
Manifested reality in vertical rise Diagrams, 2013

Video: Time and Earth. l i s d e m

Botanisk Have, Copenhagen. 2014

This research explores the multifaceted concept of levels of abstraction within the context of architecture, the built environment, design, and culture. By delving into four distinct but interconnected levels—knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and reality—this study aims to elucidate how these abstractions manifest in and influence architectural practices and the designed environment.


At the foundational level, knowledge encompasses the available information and data that architects and designers utilize. This includes historical data, material properties, and environmental conditions, which collectively inform the initial stages of the design process. As we ascend to the level of understanding, this research examines decision-making processes, where raw knowledge is synthesized to create coherent design strategies and solutions. This involves a deeper engagement with the data, leading to informed decisions that balance aesthetic, functional, and contextual considerations.


The third level, wisdom, represents a more profound comprehension that transcends technical proficiency, encompassing ethical considerations, human behavior, and cultural implications. Here, architects and designers integrate societal values and human experiences into their work, ensuring that the built environment resonates with and enriches human life.


Finally, the level of reality pertains to the manifested reality—the tangible outcomes of the design process. This includes the physical structures, spaces, and environments that embody the culmination of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. The interplay between these levels is visually represented through an ascending colored vertical element, symbolizing the progression from abstract concepts to concrete realities.





Levels of abstraction

Manifested reality in vertical rise

Diagrams, 2013

Video: Time and Earth. l i s d e m

Botanisk Have, Copenhagen 2014