lisdem is a Zurich based architectural studio established in 2011 by Laura Silva and Jesús Medina.


Laura Silva studied architecture at ETSAS (with Honours) and TU Wien. She has worked in Norway (NTNU), Austria, and Spain as a Teaching Assistant and architect. During this time, she has been awarded in various national competitions for exploring new ways of understanding landscape, design, and thinking. Currently, she is based in Switzerland, leading large-scale projects.


Jesús Medina studied at ETSAS, HTWG, and ETSAM. He holds a Master in Architecture and Digital Fabrication from ETH Zurich. He developed his architectural practice in Spain at Abalos&Sentkiewicz Architects and in Switzerland. He has collaborated with different institutions, such as the Museum of Digital Art (MuDA) in Zurich. Currently, he teaches foundational courses on computational design and robotic fabrication as well as design studios at ETHZ.




AWARDED. ¡Penitencia! - ARQUIA Foundation, 2012. Spain


AWARDED. Azar y necesidad - ARQUIA Foundation, 2011. Spain


FINALIST. ”The Limit”. Redefinition of the closing of the Barbate´s harbour. Spain


HONORABLE MENTION. Contemporary Furniture Contest. SESIENTA-CEMT. Spain


SPECIAL MENTION. III Holcim Awards 2012. Landscape Regeneration. Master Thesis


AWARDED. First Prize. European Photo Exhibition. "Way to Wine", 2010. Warsaw, Poland






2017 (April 1st - July 16th). Museum of Digital Art (MuDA). Gramazio & Kohler. Zurich, Switzerland



2010 Biennale di Venezia di Architettura. Sou Fujimoto Architects Tokio. “Primitive Future House”



2010 International Lichttage.“Fuochi Artificiali” Goldrausch. Winterthur, Switzerland

Design and Installation


2010 Charlotte Perriand: “Tagebuch einer Ausstellung”. Winterthur, Sao Paulo, Paris & Tokyo

Design and Installation


2008 Jørn Utzon. Masters of Contemporary Architecture. International Congress. Seville, Spain



2008 Biennial of Contemporary Art of Seville BIACS: “RED: Pública”. Seville, Spain



2007 PhotoETSAS. Collective Photo Exhibition. Aula de Cultura. ETSAS






2012 FUTURE Magazine 33/34, pages 150-151. Landscape Regeneration. Master Thesis


2012 THE LIMIT. Reg Num: JAOPV/APPA-16-2011


2012 Parametric architecture, drawings and contemporary thinking


2011 Conarquitectura 42 (April 2012, pages 81-86). Cátedra Hispalyt: Cerámica para construir


2011 Master Thesis Book. Landscape Regeneration "Isla de Las Palomas


2010 Forscherin der Zufälligkeit: Sophie Calle. UNIQUE MAGAZINE. TU Wien


2009 LA PLATAFORMA. Illustrations and Photographs. ISSN: 1889-366X. ETSAS, Spain


2007 Best student Projects. ETSAS, Spain





Eglistrasse 25

8004, Zurich


